Weekly Roundup | Health and Body: Top 20 stories of the week of Jan 31st - Feb 7th, 2017
"To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear. Water surrounds the lotus flower, but does not wet its petals." - Buddha
1 +18y+ ago
The psychology of why 94 deaths from terrorism are scarier than 301,797 deaths from guns
In 2016, Americans' #1 fear was “corruption of government officials,” followed by terrorist attacks. Gun violence didn't make the top 10.
Submitted on February 2nd 2017 by gladsdotter
2 +18y+ ago
A healthy work limit is 39 hours per week, study shows
People who work more than 39 hours a week are putting their health at risk. Image credit: Flickr/Buddhike de SilvaPeople who work more than 39 hours a week are putting their health at risk, new
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Submitted on February 4th 2017 by geoleo
3 +18y+ ago
Scientists Find Evidence That Aspirin and Ibuprofen Don't Actually Help Back Pain
Back pain is an ailment most of us will suffer at some point in our lives. But while we might be tempted to reach for a pack of aspirin, new research suggests we might be better off downing a sugar pill.
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Submitted on February 4th 2017 by kxh
4 +18y+ ago
Fatigued by the News? Experts Suggest How to Adjust Your Media Diet
Viewers and readers are finding ways to cope with an onslaught of updates that seem to be coming at high speed and volume.
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Submitted on February 1st 2017 by gladsdotter with 4 comments
5 +18y+ ago
Cancer patient left with no trace of disease after being given 18 months to live
A man who was given just 18 months to live after being diagnosed with cancer has been left with no trace of the disease - after being one of the first in the world to test a new drug. Bob Berry is one of just three people to take part in the trial at The Christie – and one of just 12 across the globe. The 60-year-old was diagnosed with lung cancer three years ago, after suffering pains in his shoulder.
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Submitted on February 5th 2017 by larylin
6 +18y+ ago
Why we need to redefine the "cure" for cancer
In his final State of the Union address one year ago, President Obama announced a “moonshot” initiative to “cure cancer once and for all.” Though the moonshot will be one of Obama’s few health programs to continue under President Donald Trump — its $1.8 billion budget is secure — today, on World Cancer Day, it remains more difficult than ever to imagine a real cure.
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Submitted on February 6th 2017 by bradd
7 +18y+ ago
Embarrassing bodies: what did the Victorians have to hide?
What our 19th century forebears thought and felt is well-documented, but we know much less about how they really looked, warts and all. Why did Charles Darwin grow a beard? What was wrong with George Eliot’s hand? Kathryn Hughes examines the physical secrets kept by our 19th-century forebears.
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Submitted on February 1st 2017 by gladsdotter with 1 comments
8 +18y+ ago
First blood biomarker for multiple sclerosis discovered
Although there is no known cure for multiple sclerosis (MS), there are treatments that can help prevent new attacks and improve function after an attack. However, there are three subtypes of the disease and determining this, as well as the appropriateness and effectiveness of a patient's current treatment, involves an array of expensive, time-consuming tests. Now, after a search lasting 12 years, an international team of researchers has identified a biomarker that would allow MS subtypes to be determined with a simple blood test.
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Submitted on February 6th 2017 by hedman
- 8y+ ago
10 +18y+ ago
Psychiatrists are banned from speaking out about politicians. But they felt they had to intervene with Trump
For decades, professional psychologists and psychiatrists have kept schtum with regard to their expert views on political candidates they haven’t personally assessed. Under ethical rules set out by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), shrinks are banned from publicising their professional diagnostic opinions. And yet over the course of last year’s US presidential election campaign and increasingly since the inauguration...
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Submitted on February 5th 2017 by geoleo
11 +18y+ ago
Completely ‘locked-in’ patients can communicate
Patients with no control over their body answer questions as a computer interprets brain signals. By James Gallagher.
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Submitted on February 1st 2017 by AdelleChattre with 1 comments
12 +18y+ ago
Hair provides proof of the link between chronic stress and heart attack
Researchers at the University of Western Ontario have provided the first direct evidence using a biological marker, to show chronic stress plays an important role in heart attacks.
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Submitted on February 5th 2017 by tranxene
13 +18y+ ago
Hybrid zoo: Introducing pig–human embryos and a rat–mouse
Chimaeras could pave the way for growing human organs in other animals.
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Submitted on February 1st 2017 by Maternitus
14 +18y+ ago
Indian children died after 'eating lychees on empty stomach'
Hundreds of children died due to eating the fruit on an empty stomach, research says. US and Indian scientists say a mystery illness that killed more than 100 children a year in northern India was caused by eating lychees on an empty stomach. For more than two decades, apparently healthy children in a region of Bihar suffered sudden seizures and lost consciousness. Almost half died, baffling doctors. New research, published in the medical journal The Lancet, now suggests they were poisoned by the fruit.
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Submitted on February 2nd 2017 by cone with 1 comments
15 +18y+ ago
Why children ask ‘Why?’ and what makes a good explanation
When I was about four years old, I asked my mother one of my first ‘Why?’ questions: ‘Mom, why does Pippo live underwater?’ Mom explained that Pippo, our goldfish, was a fish, and fish live underwater. This answer left me unsatisfied, so I kept en...
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Submitted on February 5th 2017 by kxh
16 +18y+ ago
Dangerous Fruit: Mystery of Deadly Outbreaks in India Is Solved
Researchers had suspected that heat stroke, infections or pesticides were behind a disease that killed about 40 percent of children affected, but it seems lychees were to blame. By Ellen Barry.
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Submitted on February 1st 2017 by AdelleChattre
17 +18y+ ago
How Psychologists Determine Whether Someone Is Faking Insanity
For the past three months, I’ve been covering a Manhattan murder trial that might finally solve the mystery of what happened to Etan Patz, the 6-year-old boy who vanished on his way to the school bus in 1979. In my time in the courtroom, several questions I’ve heard have stuck out. Like, “Do you have any major problem communicating with other planets?” And, “Do you sometimes have strange feelings in your body? Do these feeling only occur on Tuesdays?”
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Submitted on February 2nd 2017 by Pfennig88
18 +18y+ ago
So you’re surrounded by idiots. Guess who the real jerk is
Are you surrounded by fools? Are you the only reasonable person around? Then maybe you’re the one with the jerkitude. By Eric Schwitzgebel.
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Submitted on February 1st 2017 by AdelleChattre
19 +18y+ ago
Enough with the Doctor Who gender debate – it's time
In a universe of infinite possibility, why is Doctor Who always a man? Peter Capaldi's forthcoming retirement from the role means it's surely time to hand the sonic screwdriver over to a woman.
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Submitted on February 1st 2017 by kxh
20 +18y+ ago
Scientists move step closer to developing major new drug in fight against antimicrobial resistance
Scientists have for the first time determined the molecular structure of a new antibiotic which could hold the key to tackling drug resistant bacteria. The team at the University of Lincoln, UK, previously produced two synthetic derivatives of teixobactin – which has been hailed as a ‘game-changer’ in the fight against antimicrobial resistance – and the researchers have now become the first in the world to document the molecular make-up of the antibiotic.
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Submitted on February 3rd 2017 by grandtheftsoul
Here are this week's top five Health & Body tribes:
/t/health 68 posts, 23 comments, 308 votes.
/t/psychology 31 posts, 14 comments, 141 votes.
/t/disease 15 posts, 6 comments, 58 votes.
/t/medicine 11 posts, 13 comments, 166 votes.
/t/mentalhealth 11 posts, 7 comments, 50 votes.
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