• galacticunion (edited 8 years ago)

    There is no publish button, there is only a green save button. Also there is no place to add a tribe just the square thing where you can add links and things like that. Do I need to have more xp points or something like that do you think?

    • Appaloosa

      No, low xp points would not prevent you from posting. Ok, could you get to the initial submit and then to the next panel where you paste your link and hit submit?

      • galacticunion

        Yes I can get there and then it sends me to the page where I can edit the title and things like that and it says when ready hit green publish button but there is no green publish button only green save button.

        • Appaloosa

          Wow...the top right should have a big green publish button, and two smaller panels saying finished and preview. Nothing like that?

        • galacticunion
          @Appaloosa -

          No nothing like that, no place to go after I get to edit page, a save button is the only option on the page.

        • galacticunion
          @galacticunion -

          There is only the same submit green button like on all pages. That does not change.

        • Appaloosa
          @galacticunion -

          The snap in draft before you publish is automatically saved. I can't say I've ever recalled seeing a save button in the posting process.

        • galacticunion
          @Appaloosa -

          I have screen shots but I'm new and I don't really know how to save them on snapzu. Just under the content area of the link there is a save button.

        • galacticunion
          @galacticunion -

          I'm going to logout and then back in to see if that makes a dif. Thanks for all your help so far.

        • Appaloosa
          @galacticunion -

          Oh...I see, when you are in edit mode. You should hit save first then go to the right and hit the publish button.

        • galacticunion (edited 8 years ago)
          @Appaloosa -

          Nop, that just eliminates the save button, but no publish button appears. But if I try to redo the snap with that title it tells me that that title has already been used in another snap. I think for some reason the program is having problems. Or I am doing something so simple wrong it's in front of my face. But thanks for the help.

        • galacticunion
          @galacticunion -

          By the way I love that movie Appaloosa.

        • Appaloosa
          @galacticunion -

          yes, if youv'e saved the title before it wont let you put a new one in. You need to delete the previous save

        • galacticunion
          @Appaloosa -

          I have saved a number of these trying to get it to work but nothing is showing up in my saved page. I'm on a linux machine but tomarrow I will try a windows machine to see if that is the problem. If no one else is having problems it has to do with something I'm doing. Thanks so much for the help.

        • Appaloosa
          @galacticunion -

          I feel bad I havnt been much help. Ive passed this in to Gladsdotter, the site guru and admin.

        • galacticunion
          @Appaloosa -

          Thanks so much for your help, with your help at least I know what is missing and what to look for, I was lost before. Thanks

        • Appaloosa
          @galacticunion -

          Very complicated movie!