Text Post: Short Story Ideas posted by DCSpud
  • Milk (edited 8 years ago)

    You should just come out of left field with the complete opposite of what you'd expect a superhero banana to get up to.

    Super Banana travels the world and solves human trafficking cases, tracks down malicious serial killers, free's children from African warlords who are trying to turn them into child soldiers. He isn't afraid to kill. His powers are to inject his victims worst nightmares into their mind, driving them insane in seconds. He can also drain his victims life source until they die, granting him amazing strength and the ability to fly.

    His nemesis is an inanimate coconut that is often spotted at the malicious crime scenes, but Super Banana can never manage to catch up to him. The coconut has no spoken lines and is never seen to actually move. It's just there one second and gone the next. Usually accompanied by an immense sense of dread that is felt by Super Banana.

    Coconuts name is Phillip.

    Or you could go for something normal, I don't know.

    Edit: Just a side note, what blog site you planning to use? I'm interested in starting my own.

    • DCSpud

      That is definitely out of left field haha! Though I do find it hilarious and I may just have to go a route like that. It's definitely giving me some good ideas though!

      I definitely like the idea of having a coconut just appear randomly at different scenes and never knowing who this coconut is and what he's doing.

      Honestly, I was just going to use Wordpress just because it's simple, easy to use, and I like the UI. I don't know that many other blogging sites, so I just went with the best one that I know of.