  • VoyagerXyX

    It wont be a long time at all, days, if anything. That's why I don't understand why all these people are putting out these whiny articles about the release date "WHY YOU WONT GET WINDOWS 10 ON JULY 29TH" "YOUR COPY OF WINDOWS IS COMING LATE" "WINDOWS DROPS THE BALL WITH RELEASE SCHEDULE" No! Shut up. They're literally right on schedule. There are plenty of things to be frustrated with Microsoft with and have been over the years but this is not one of them I just started this discussion to vent that to somebody who would understand. They've executed the development, release, and distribution flawlessly so far. If the media turns this into another "Windows 8 is a huge disappointment nobody appreciates." Thing I'm going to freak out.

    • helllomatt

      I agree.

      Most of it looks pretty promising. Have you been able to play around with it at all?

      • VoyagerXyX

        I've been in the Windows Insider program since build 9926 haha AMA :)

      • helllomatt
        @VoyagerXyX -

        I jumped on it when they first released the developer program (not sure which version?), and had it running as a virtual machine, but gave up on it quickly after. Not for any particular reason either, I just didn't really know what to do with it. Since then I've just been keeping up with the news and reading the change logs every once in awhile.

        My biggest question about it is actually about gaming, and the Xbox tie in. What I don't understand is whether or not you can play Xbox games natively on any Windows 10 computer, or that it's basically Xbox's take on stream-gaming? Kind of like Steam is with their Steam Machines, but in reverse (console -> computer).

        Other things would be more sysadmin related like the Package Manager, or the updated CMD.