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All you can do is your best even if you're not getting anywhere.
All Christ expects us is our best. How are you doing? How can you improve?
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Real talk, real life with Jesus Christ. Who are you connected to?
Who are you connected to in life? What can you do to make time for the Lord each day?
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Jesus Paid it All - a hymn to honor what Jesus did for us on the cross
The song "Jesus Paid it All" is a hymn to honor what Jesus did for us on the cross. As we continue our series on Worship, let us focus our attention on worshiping the King, on worshiping King Jesus. Here are the lyrics, some of which I have not heard. before. Lyrics of "Jesus Paid It All" I hear the Savior
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Being content with who we are in God is the only accomplishment that matters.
I live in a world where almost everyone is trying to make me into something else. They have great things in mind for me. Dress like this and I will be successful. Change this in my life and I will …
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A Real Person of Prayer
The philosopher-theologian Evelyn Underhill penned these words a hundred years ago.(God, grant that I might live to personify them.) “What then is a real man of prayer? “He is one who d…
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The Inkheart’s Prayer
I am enamored with the aspects you choose to share. Such beauty transcends your physical glory and what you believe to be the flaws of your mind. Who am I to place the ideal of my fascination upon …
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The Serenity Prayer
For one of my classes this semester I had to sit in on an (open) Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and they ended with the Serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr. We recited it as a group, holding h…
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Prayer Flow
In our prayer flow we become the river, infused healing filling our words and phrases. Spirit poems from hearts renewed. Poetry and Image © Copyright 2019, ancient skies
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O Yes, He Cares
“Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Too deeply for happiness and song; As the burdens press, And the cares distress, And the way grows weary and long? O Yes, He cares, I know He cares! H…
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Dedicated Prayer Day
Jeremiah 29:12-13 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. From week…
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Make Disciples Of All Nations And Spread The Good News
Make Disciples Of All Nations I read a blog this morning by Michael Wilson talking about how we are commanded to “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to all creation.” ~Jesus, he talked about how the word gospel is overused. I tend to agree with him on that point. But this brought to mind the fact
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Don’t Hide Jesus
Have you ever been frustrated when you buy a product only to find out you have to buy something else just to make the product work? Are there any other parents out there who would echo my annoyance…
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Live spontaneous worship
There is no other place I would rather be than in the presence of Jesus! I live for these unrehearsed, unscripted moments of worship. It satisfies my soul and breathes life to my bones. I thought I…
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Does What You Do In Life Really Matter?
what you do in life Does what you do in life really matter? Do all your little favors go unnoticed? Lemme tell you something. Everything you do is important. There is always someone who is watching. God. He sees all. Yes, everything you do in life is important. There is always someone who looks up to you as well.
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Put God first in everything you do and say
How is your prayer life? What changes do you need to make so He's number one in your life?
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What would Jesus do in your situation?
We all have tough situations. How do we know what the right one is anymore?
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