- 9 years ago Sticky: Look at banner, Michael...
- 9 years ago Sticky: Rules in the sidebar
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+18 +3
Why Bother?
+24 +5
Making the leap
+28 +9
It's practice
+26 +4
Someday you will look back
+17 +3
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent
+11 +2
Why it's all so silly sometimes
PS: Other activities may apply.
+23 +3
+20 +1
We all have powers
+19 +3
Don't let failure define your worth
+12 +2
My Comfort Zone
How I feel when trying something new.
Image+13 +3
Brain in a Jar
+32 +5
Stuff We Love: XKCD web comic is for people with brains and funny bones
XKCD is not a comic book that you find at your local shop, but it graces XKCD.com thrice weekly. You may have passed it up, as the art appears simple (it isn’t), the characters aren’t superheroic (kinda sorta), and the situations aren’t sci-fi/fantasy (keep reading).
+1 +1
I Hate My Kids: Wait. What?
Say it one more time...
+6 +2
I Hate My Kids: Taking Down Christmas Lights
Thank God the holidays are over.
+6 +1
I Hate My Kids: All I Want For Christmas
Good thing he didn't want a dirt bike.
+2 +1
The Antiwar Comic: The Iran Repeat?
Could history be repeating itself in Iran?
+2 +1
Lester Crenshaw is Still Dead: Let the Vampire Fight
Sometimes you forget you're dead.
+12 +1
Am I right?
+3 +1
Tales of Pizza: Thousand Dollar Tip
So do they really keep the money in those videos?
Expression+13 +3
Webcomic Review: Honey Dill
Get in on the ground floor of this relatively new webcomic.