  • Guilhem

    As a guard player, I feel the Imperial Fist are the closest to me. I didn't really read their fluff but it looks like they specialize in defending or breaching sieges. con : yellow is a pain to paint.

    Be aware that the spacewolf can be really unique (thunderwolf cav/unique flyers etc.) but can't get the new toys (some vehicles/centurions afaik). For fluff reason I don't like them - my Thousand sons :( - but they can look really cool.

    Smurf are nice and strong atm but they feel plain to me. They lack some uniqueness and don't have anything special, or maybe as tyranids hunter.

    • Urbanknight4

      What are your opinions on the rest of the chapters (those that you know, I admit I don't know many of them lol)? I was also looking at the Dark Angels. I'm saying all this because these three chapters come in starter boxes which are really cheap and have ton of troops. I was thinking of getting one of those boxes to start up my army, and the enemy armies they come with are all cool- Ork, Ork, and Chaos Space Marines.

      I also have my reservations about the Space Wolves thanks to the Prospero incident. I agree that orders from Horus (back then) were orders from the Emperor himself, but to wipe out your brother's entire planet?? Leman Russ made a seriously grave judgement call there. By following the order, he damned the loyal Sons, so... I dunno. I like the Space Puppies, but they have their faults. And you're right about the Ultras, they're a bit plain. Those are the only two I've read about, though. Nothing about the Dark Angels, Imperial Fist, etc.

      • Guilhem

        SW, DA and BA have their unique toys (and models) but ultramarines minis can be painted as almost any chapter. You can buy some smurf and paint them as anything except SW.

        • Urbanknight4

          Ugh... really? Thats like, the ultimate show of their lack of uniqueness. At least the Dark Angels have robes and stuff to distinguish their particular units.

          I'm gonna read up on DA and the SW. They sound like the best right now.

          • Guilhem

            They have a unique "Roman" look but it's just a few heads or reverse omega symbols. Iron Hand have more bionic limb but it's up to you as the guy who build them to gather a lot of them, salamanders polish their weapons and use scales but it's mostly up to you again to scratch build these details.

            SW got totally differents minis from "classic" space marines. DA have quite a few unique minis.