  • ballpointcarrot

    Current Desktop: (cluttered); (uncluttered); using BSPWM as window manager. Lemme know if you want configs.

    Current Phone: (home screen); using Nova Launcher. I have the "swipe up" gesture set to pull up the app menu, so I don't have to keep the extra button on screen.

    • VoyagerXyX

      Very unique set up! Could you explain how you linked directly to the photo in your comment? I haven't needed to learn how to do this until today.

      • ballpointcarrot

        In my case, it's just using the url for the actual image file from imgur, instead of using the one hosted on imgur. Snapzu will add the inline image stuff on its own. They don't show up in the preview, but they will in the full post.

        • VoyagerXyX

          Thanks, I'll attempt to edit my post below and see if I can get it to work!