+18 +2
The Linux Foundation Releases Report Detailing Linux User Trends Among World’s Largest Companies | The Linux Foundation
Cloud computing and security drive increasing adoption of Linux among the largest enterprises
+19 +5
Four ways Linux is headed for no-downtime kernel patching
These technologies are competing to provide the best way to patch the Linux kernel without reboots or downtime
+2 +1
5 Popular Ubuntu Derivatives
A list of 5 popular Ubuntu derivatives along with a brief description. Distributions are selected based on their ranking in distrowatch
+2 +1
[Phoronix] NVIDIA's Linux Driver On Ubuntu 14.10 Can Deliver Better OpenGL Performance Than Windows 8.1
Yesterday we looked at the Windows vs. Ubuntu 14.10 Intel OpenGL performance using Haswell HD Graphics to kick off our latest round of Windows vs. Linux OpenGL driver benchmarking. Out today is now our NVIDIA GeForce graphics card comparison on Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.10 using the latest NVIDIA binary drivers. NVIDIA's new GeForce GTX 970 and GTX 980 Maxwell graphics cards were tested as well as the mature GTX 780 Ti.
+16 +2
“We want Linux,” say 300,000 edX students
If you doubt that Linux is the king of operating systems, check this out: 300,000 students signed up for a new edX class on Linux in August.
+13 +4
Ubuntu 16.04 Might Be The Distribution's Last 32-Bit Release
Come April 2016, Intel 32-bit users might be on their last, overdue leg for upgrading their distribution. Proposal to kill off the 32-bit install (ISO) images after that point while support for 32-bit applications on 64-bit Ubuntu would still be supported is considered. The proposal would only involve Intel/AMD x86 with 32-bit ARM being unaffected given that 32-bit ARM is still very common to devices.
+5 +2
Ubuntu is working on a new secure container hypervisor: LXD
Security is a big concern for users of container technologies, but Ubuntu, with Docker and LXC, thinks it has a solution.
+9 +3
Ten years of Ubuntu: How Linux’s beloved newcomer became its criticized king
Ars looks back at the decade in Ubuntu, from Warty Warthog to 25 million users worldwide.
+11 +3
Ubuntu 14.10 has landed - and it's not just for desktops
Canonical's latest Linux, Ubuntu 14.10, saves the biggest improvements for its cloud and server versions.
+1 +1
Open Source Download Managers - TechnoRevolution
A small description on some of widely used open source download managers for windows GNU/Linux, android and Mac OSX. Kget, Wget, Uget, FDM and more.
+15 +5
Linux Foundation certifications are taking off
The new Linux Foundation certification exams are proving to be very popular, but very tough.
+1 +1
5 smallest GNU/Linux distributions.
Can you imagine about an operating system with 15MB size now a days? There exist such an operating system. Here you can read about 5 smallest and active GNU/Linux projects.
+22 +1
Ubuntu Touch finalized, first phones coming this year
The audacious Ubuntu Edge smartphone may have fizzled out, but Ubuntu Touch lives on--and it just hit 'release to manufacturing' status.
+19 +6
Netflix Works with Ubuntu to Bring Native Playback to All (Updated) - OMG! Ubuntu!
We saw last month just how close native Netflix support for Linux is to arriving. Now Netflix wants to go one step further...
+9 +2
Watch Netflix on Ubuntu Linux using HTML5 and Chrome
Native Netflix Linux playback is reported to be working in beta builds of Google Chrome — no Wine-based app or PPA required.
+22 +3
Six Clicks: An early look at Ubuntu 14.10
Ubuntu 14.10 is a minor, but significant, step up from Canonical's last Linux desktop operating system, Ubuntu 14.04.
+18 +4
Canonical Blog
+10 +2
Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS Downloads Now Available
The first point release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has been made available for download.
+24 +7
5 Simple Ways To Make Cinnamon Feel at Home on Ubuntu
The latest release of the popular Cinnamon desktop environment is once again available for Ubuntu users to install. Here's how to make it rock.
+10 +3
Mint 17 is the perfect place for Linux-ers to wait out Ubuntu uncertainty
Review: Long-term support and stability plus tweaks for desktop? Delicious!
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