
I'm 18, newly graduated, and have been saving up my money since I was 6. Where should I go?

Like the title says, I want to travel the world. I'm from Vancouver Island, Canada. Money is currently no issue. Would anybody suggest going through a company like Contiki? I love nature, so big cities aren't really that interesting to me. I want to throw myself into a totally different culture, spend time with different people, different ways of life. I have an okay amount of travel experience (been to Mexico, Most of the US, and lots of Canada). I like the idea of being with other people my age (like contiki offers), but I still want to feel free enough that I can take a train or boat anytime I want somewhere else. Any ideas?

Side note: I speak fluent French, English, German and Spanish. So I guess a region that's main language is one of those four, I'd be a bit more 'comfortable' in.

8 years ago by Yeti with 4 comments

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  • baron778 (edited 8 years ago)

    Oh man I wish I had the freedoms you have. I'd probably head out to Asia solo and try and go into as many countries as I can (stay safe obviously) Go get culture shocked.

  • bogdan

    Go to a country with really low standards of life (such as India for example - they speak English) - you're gonna be even more rich there. From on there you have two options, you invest your money in a business, or you decide to delve into the extremely different cultural values between the country and its neighbors. I find the Middle East to be one of the most diverse and exciting prospects for travel in the whole world.

    • Yeti

      Interesting idea with the investing. Makes sense though. I have a few friends that live in Dubai, UAE. So I wouldn't mind spending some time in the east. I'm now thinking i'll start in Northern India, and take buses through Pakistan, Iran, then either cross the gulf into UAE or be a bit reckless and go through Iraq then through Saudi Arabia and UAE. Thanks for the suggestion! Looks like i'm going to the East!

      • bogdan

        Glad to have influenced your life in ways I can't even being to imagine!