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  • Current Event
    7 years ago
    by timex
    +25 +1

    Tesla made more money last quarter than the entire US oil industry made last year

    While there are nuances to the claim made in this headline, it is technically true since Tesla announced that it turned a profit of $22 million last quarter while the US oil industry managed to lose $67 billion last year due to its inability to stomach lower gas prices, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). I think it’s something to consider in this new political climate following the election of Donald Trump.

  • Analysis
    7 years ago
    by wetwilly87
    +10 +1

    Tesla’s price shock: Solar + battery as cheap as grid power

    Last week, Tesla launched their Powerwall 2.0 residential battery storage system, a little less than a year after Powerwall 1.0. Compared to Powerwall 1.0, peak power has increased by 40 per cent, continuous power by 50 per cent, storage capacity by 100 per cent (to 14 kWh) and an inverter is included. And all this for US$5,500 ($A8,800) – about the same price as Powerwall 1.0.

  • Current Event
    7 years ago
    by cone
    +14 +1

    Tesla Motors to start charging for charging

    Tesla Motors said Monday that it would begin requiring certain Tesla owners to pay to charge their electric vehicles at the company's network of charging stations. In a reversal, the Palo Alto, Calif.-based automaker said its superchargers would no longer be completely free. The charges apply to people who buy a Tesla vehicle after Jan. 1, 2017. They will be charged a fee to use the charging stations after about 1,000 miles of free usage annually.

  • Current Event
    7 years ago
    by sjvn
    +9 +1

    All Tesla Cars Being Produced Now Have Full Self-Driving Hardware

    Self-driving vehicles will play a crucial role in improving transportation safety and accelerating the world’s transition to a sustainable future. Full autonomy will enable a Tesla to be substantially safer than a human driver, lower the financial cost of transportation for those who own a car and provide low-cost on-demand mobility for those who do not.

  • Current Event
    7 years ago
    by drunkenninja
    +30 +1

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk challenges Big Coal to go toe-to-toe with 0 subsidies after being called a fraud

    Now that Tesla is venturing further into the energy industry by ramping up its energy storage division, ‘Tesla Energy’, and with solar through its proposed merger with SolarCity, the company is not just causing serious concern to established automakers and big oil, but also traditional energy companies like coal mining corporations.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by canuck
    +41 +1

    Another Tesla on autopilot crashes in Germany

    A Tesla car whose driver said he was using the “Autopilot” driving assistance system crashed into a bus on a motorway in northern Germany on Wednesday.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by Chubros
    +12 +1

    Tesla sues Snyder, Schuette to sell cars in Michigan

    Electric automaker Tesla filed a lawsuit today against state officials, escalating its multi-year battle to sell vehicles directly to consumers in Michigan. The California automaker named Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and Gov. Rick Snyder in its lawsuit filed in in federal court. A spokesman for the governor declined to comment and a spokeswoman for Schuette said his office is reviewing the lawsuit.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by socialiguana
    +39 +1

    Tesla Wins Massive Contract to Power the California Grid

    Tesla just won a bid to supply grid-scale power in Southern California to help prevent electricity shortages following the biggest natural gas leak in U.S. history. The Powerpacks, worth tens of millions of dollars, will be operational in record time—by the end of this year. Tesla Motors Inc. will supply 20 megawatts (80 megawatt-hours) of energy storage to Southern California Edison as part of a wider effort to prevent blackouts by replacing fossil-fuel electricity generation with lithium-ion batteries.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by Apolatia
    +29 +1

    Tesla is suing an oil company executive its says impersonated Elon Musk

    Tesla is suing an oil executive for allegedly impersonating Elon Musk in order to dig up confidential financial information from the company, Forbes reported. The lawsuit reportedly filed Wednesday in the Superior Court of Santa Clara County claimed Todd Katz, chief financial officer for Quest Integrity Group, emailed Tesla’s chief financial officer under a similar email as Musk’s looking to gain information that wasn’t disclosed in an earnings call with investors.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by hedman
    +28 +1

    Tesla explains how its entire fleet is learning to be better self-driving cars together

    Tesla announced yesterday (Sept. 11) that Autopilot, its self-driving feature, would soon be updated to a new version that uses a car’s radar system — in addition to its camera system — to make decisions while driving semi-autonomously. But perhaps the most interesting part of Tesla’s announcement is how the thousands of vehicles that make up its fleet are learning how to be better self-driving cars together. One of Tesla’s key advantages over incumbent carmakers is how much data it’s collecting — and that it’s actually going to use it.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by Chubros
    +28 +1

    Tesla Model S battery bursts into flames, car “totally destroyed” in 5 minutes

    A Tesla Model S has burst into flames during a test drive in the southwest of France. Four people were in the car, including a Tesla employee; they all escaped safely before the car was "totally destroyed" within five minutes of the fire starting. Tesla confirmed the incident and said that it's working with French authorities to determine exactly what happened, "and will share [their] findings as soon as possible." A Tesla official said: "Nobody was harmed. The vehicle provided warning and passengers were able to safely exit the vehicle."

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by spacepopper
    +24 +1

    Elon Musk wants to sell you an entire 'solar roof'

    When in doubt, tease a new product. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla (TSLA) and chairman of SolarCity (SCTY), hopped on an earnings call Tuesday night amid acquisition talks between the two companies to announce that SolarCity plans to release a "solar roof." Not a roof with solar panels, mind you. A solar roof. "It's a solar roof as opposed to a module on a roof," Musk said on the SolarCity earnings call. "It's not a thing on the roof, it is the roof."

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by sjvn
    +1 +1

    Tesla car drives owner to hospital after he suffers pulmonary embolism

    A US driver made it to hospital while suffering a pulmonary embolism after putting his car into autopilot.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by rexall
    +39 +1

    Man says Tesla Autopilot drove him to the hospital, saved his life

    A Missouri man says his Tesla helped saved his life by driving him to the hospital during a life-threatening emergency. Joshua Neally is a lawyer and Tesla owner from Springfield, Missouri, who often uses the semi-autonomous driving system called Autopilot on his Tesla Model X. The system has come under fire after it was involved in a fatal Florida crash in May, but Neally told online magazine Slate that Autopilot drove him 20 miles down a freeway to a hospital, while Neally suffered a potentially fatal blood vessel blockage in his lung, known as a pulmonary embolism. The hospital was right off the freeway exit...

  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    by TNY
    +35 +1

    Elon Musk: Tesla’s Model 3 factory could look like an alien warship

    For decades, a big trend in manufacturing has been the gradual automation of the factory floor. Robots play a major role in making advanced products today — they're fast, clean and efficient. But Tesla chief executive Elon Musk wants to take this to a whole new level with the factory producing the upcoming, low-cost Model 3, turning "the machine that makes the machine" into an "alien dreadnought." Not literally. The factory isn't going to become self-aware and turn on its masters; after all, Musk is an avowed skeptic of the kind of general artificial intelligence that could enable killer machines.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by rhingo
    +23 +1

    Elon Musk on Tesla fully autonomous car: ‘What we’ve got will blow people’s minds, it blows my mind… it’ll come sooner than people think’

    During a conference call today, Elon Musk talked about Tesla’s progress in level 4 fully autonomous driving and while he didn’t want to make an announcement on the call, he said that it is coming sooner than people think: “What we’ve got will blow people’s minds, it blows my mind …it’ll come sooner than people think.” Musk’s most recent prediction placed the technology being ready in Q4 2017, around the time Model 3 will enter production.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by sjvn
    +4 +1

    Bay Area Man Hacks Tesla to Play Pokemon GO on the Go

    Yes. Seriously. He really hacked his Tesla to play Pokemon GO. Words fail me--as I'm sure does his warranty.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by drunkenninja
    +24 +1

    Tesla's entire future depends on the Gigafactory

    When you find yourself in the middle of the Nevada desert, on a 100-degree day, you wonder: who in the world would build something here? Elon Musk, of course. And so I’m here in the city of Sparks, outside of Reno, because of Musk’s dream — his "Master Plan" for Tesla, to be specific. He’s staked his entire company (and much of his net worth) on a single, enormous building here: the Gigafactory. Tesla's Gigafactory is perhaps the best example of the literal scale of Elon Musk's ambitions. When the factory is complete, it will be the largest building in the world by footprint and, if all goes according to plan, will eventually...

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by drunkenninja
    +34 +2

    Master Plan, Part Deux

    The first master plan that I wrote 10 years ago is now in the final stages of completion. It wasn't all that complicated and basically consisted of: 1. Create a low volume car, which would necessarily be expensive. 2. Use that money to develop a medium volume car at a lower price. 3. Use that money to create an affordable, high volume car... And... Provide solar power. No kidding, this has literally been on our website for 10 years. The reason we had to start off with step 1 was that it was all I could afford to do with what I made from PayPal. I thought our chances of success were...

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by tukka
    +24 +1

    Tesla under investigation for possible breach of securities law, WSJ reports

    Tesla is under investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, The Wall Street Journal reported, for a possible securities law breach. What’s at issue is whether the electric vehicle company should have notified shareholders immediately following a fatal accident on May 7 that killed a Tesla Model S owner who was using Autopilot at the time of the crash. A spokesperson for Tesla said that the car company has not yet heard from the SEC regarding this matter.