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  • Question
    6 months ago
    by Subhodip
    +1 +1

    Micro Content: Captivating Your Audience in Seconds

    Nowadays attention spans are shrinking, so capturing the attention of your audience has become increasingly challenging. This is where micro content marketing comes into play. It refers to small, bite-sized pieces of information that can be consumed quickly and easily. In this article, we will explore what micro content is and how it can captivate your audience in seconds.

  • Current Event
    5 years ago
    by jessicamary
    Current Event
    +1 +1

    Technology Email List

    Technology list facilitates the seekers as well as providers interms of platform so as they can access each other at right time with less amount of effort and in most acceptable way. visit:

  • How-to
    6 years ago
    by LoriDinh
    0 +1

    How to Win More Loyal Customers with Happy Email and Mailbot

    Get more loyal customers today with our easy guide in setting up Happy Email and Mailbot. Master your email marketing skill in no time!

  • Video/Audio
    6 years ago
    by Chubros
    +27 +1

    When will the next ice age happen?

    Throughout Earth’s history, climate has varied greatly. For hundreds of millions of years, the planet had no polar ice caps. Without this ice, the sea level was 70 meters higher. At the other extreme, about 700 million years ago, Earth became almost entirely covered in ice, during an event known as “Snowball Earth.” What causes these swings in the planet’s climate? Lorraine Lisiecki investigates.

  • Analysis
    6 years ago
    by Mbetohenry
    0 +1


    What is Salesforce?

  • Current Event
    7 years ago
    by Apolatia
    +24 +1

    TEDxBrussels organizer drags presenter off stage during anti-censorship talk

    Get ready for your head to explode. In the middle of TEDxBrussels talk on March 5 that focused on censorship, a male event organizer walked onto the stage and physically dragged the female presenter off. And the kicker? The theme of the entire TEDx event was Brave New World — as in, yes, the Aldous Huxley book about a dystopian future wherein an all-powerful state controls the lives of its citizens. And it only gets worse from there. According to the TEDxBrussels website, the presenter, artist Deborah De Robertis, was in the middle of a piece addressing past censorship of her artwork.

  • Video/Audio
    7 years ago
    by doodlegirl
    +19 +1

    TED Talks: 12 truths I learned from life and writing

    A few days before she turned 61, writer Anne Lamott decided to write down everything she knew for sure. She dives into the nuances of being a human who lives in a confusing, beautiful, emotional world, offering her characteristic life-affirming wisdom and humor on family, writing, the meaning of God, death and more.

  • Video/Audio
    7 years ago
    by cone
    +30 +1

    4 TED-Ed Lessons about mental health

    Depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, narcissism — these medical conditions impact millions of people around the world, yet are often misunderstood. How much do you know about the symptoms and treatme…

  • Analysis
    7 years ago
    by Maternitus
    +15 +1

    Open-sourced blueprints for civilization

    Using wikis and digital fabrication tools, TED Fellow Marcin Jakubowski is open-sourcing the blueprints for 50 farm machines, allowing anyone to build their own tractor or harvester from scratch. And that's only the first step in a project to write an instruction set for an entire self-sustaining village (starting cost: $10,000).

  • Interactive
    8 years ago
    by sashinator
    +34 +1

    Sideways Dictionary

    Sideways dictionary — it's like a dictionary, but using analogies instead of definitions. Use it as a tool for finding and sharing helpful analogies to explain technological ideas. Because if everyone understands technology better, we can make technology work better for everyone.

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by geoleo
    +12 +1

    The best stats you've ever seen

    You've never seen data presented like this. With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, statistics guru Hans Rosling debunks myths about the so-called "developing world."

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by Maternitus
    +10 +1

    How yarn bombing grew into a worldwide movement

    Textile artist Magda Sayeg transforms urban landscapes into her own playground by decorating everyday objects with colorful knit and crochet works. These warm, fuzzy "yarn bombs" started small, with stop sign poles and fire hydrants in Sayeg's hometown, but soon people found a connection to the craft and spread it across the world.

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by Gozzin
    +9 +1

    The Man Box.

    How men are socialized

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by Gozzin
    +2 +1

    A call to men | Tony Porter

    A very insightful video about the man box.

  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    by Maternitus
    +10 +1

    What reality are you creating for yourself?

    Reality isn't something you perceive; it's something you create in your mind. Isaac Lidsky learned this profound lesson firsthand, when unexpected life circumstances yielded valuable insights. In this introspective, personal talk, he challenges us to let go of excuses, assumptions and fears, and accept the awesome responsibility of being the creators of our own reality.

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by AdelleChattre
    +7 +1

    St. James Infirmary Blues

    Silk Road Ensemble and Rhiannon Giddens

  • Expression
    8 years ago
    by hiihii
    +7 +1

    How I held my breath for 17 minutes

    In this highly personal talk from TEDMED, magician and stuntman David Blaine describes what it took to hold his breath underwater for 17 minutes -- a world record (only two minutes shorter than this entire talk!) -- and what his often death-defying work means to him. Warning: do NOT try this at home.

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    by larylin
    +4 +1

    SNL Writer Will Stephen Explains How to Sound Smart In a TED Talk

    There are plenty of outstanding lectures that come from TED, a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged in 1984. Aptly and succinctly called TED Talks, these lectures can introduce bold new ideas, demonstrate exciting inventions, showcase performances, highlight science and discovery, call attention to important issues and more. They’ve become rather popular in education recently, because of their concise nature for all being 18 minutes or less. But how are TED Talks so compelling?

  • How-to
    8 years ago
    by drunkenninja
    +27 +1

    How to Build Your Own Starter House in Just 5 Steps — for $25,000

    Wanna ditch the mortgage and live in a modular, open source, ecological house? Introducing the Open Building Institute Eco-Building Toolkit. Picture this: you own a small piece of land. Nothing fancy — just a small plot. A group of people shows up, sets up a workshop in your shed, and within five days, using materials available at your local hardware store or made from the raw resources of your land, builds you a small starter house kitted out with state-of-the-art eco features for less than $25,000.

  • Video/Audio
    8 years ago
    by drunkenninja
    +29 +1

    The most mysterious star in the universe

    Something massive, with roughly 1,000 times the area of Earth, is blocking the light coming from a distant star known as KIC 8462852, and nobody is quite sure what it is. As astronomer Tabetha Boyajian investigated this perplexing celestial object, a colleague suggested something unusual: Could it be an alien-built megastructure? Such an extraordinary idea would require extraordinary evidence