Text Post: [DISCUSSION] Geometric tattoos posted by sea
  • LacquerCritic

    I think they look great, though I probably wouldn't get one on myself just for style reasons. I've heard lots of hubbub about how tattoos like this done without black lines will blur and smudge and "look like crap in [1/5/10/20] years or whatever", but I don't find that argument very compelling. Of course the art painted into my skin is going to need touching up - no one buys a car and expects it to look as good as it does year 10 as it does when you first buy it, especially without proper maintenance. Touching up is part of that maintenance. /grumblegrumblegrumble

    • sea

      Great point - personally, I'm looking forward to the new advances they are making in long-term temporary tattoos, ones that last for 5-10 years.