  • Urbanknight4

    1) Pathfinder- Cmon, mate. It's DnD. I need not explain how awesome it is to play out a game. Especially when you're me, the world's best rogue/wizard.

    2) Zombicide/Zombies!!!- Both zombie games and a bit different from each other. Zombicide is more expensive but more in depth. You can level up your characters, capture objectives, etc. Zombies!!! is more straightforward: Get your team of survivors to a heli-pad.. but first you have to get through a bunch of zombies.

    3)Warhammer 40K- Half of the fun is the game, which is excellent thanks to the rush you get from leading a miniature army and crushing your opponent beneath your tank treads. The other half is reading the lore and painting the models, which sounds a lot more boring than it really is. Games Workshop has had 40+ years to make up 40K's history... it's huge!