  • Misanthropist

    Guess you're talking about punchablefaces? Didn't realize what had happened and had to look it up.

    It doesn't look like any Reddit rule was broken. Top mod demods everyone, hands the sub over to agentlame, SRS mod added, rules changed, subscribers screwed over. I don't see the admins getting involved, this is how Reddit works. The top mod gets to decide everything, it doesn't matter what the users want, and all they can do is to create a new sub.

    Do I think the admins should get involved? In this case, yes.

    I don't subscribe to punchablefaces, but I'd hate for any sub/tribe/forum that I subscribe to have it's direction/purpose changed for shits and giggles.

    It gets a little more complicated if the change happens over a longer period of time and the user base changes with it, should the admins still get involved then? SubredditDrama is a good example of this. Before it became SRS-lite, 90% of content was about mocking SRS, and just laughing at shit. Now, even the founder of the sub thinks that it is an echo chamber with SRS/Circlebroke style opinion policing ( Even if he/she wanted to go back to it's original purpose, the users might not necessarily agree with it.