
[Request] A banner for /t/language


Hi /t/snapzubanners!

I'd like a better banner for the tribe I claimed this morning : /t/language. It's a tribe for people learning languages or interested in languages in any way. I thought about having either different letters (including ones from non-latin alphabets) or maybe some word in many different languages, like good day or welcome.

Could any of you do that for me?

9 years ago by Bastou with 15 comments

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  • imakestuffgood

    If you are still in need of a banner I'd like to help you out :)

    • imakestuffgood

      Did it anyway! I made two, hope you like one of them. http://i.imgur.com/Aqv22ey.jpg http://imgur.com/CPtFy0c Let me know which one you chose (if any) :)

      • Bastou

        Great! Thanks! I'll use the first one, but it'll have to wait a bit : my work place has blocked imgur. I'll download them at home tonight.

        I hesitated between the two, but I'll go with the first one because in the second, ciao is written as chao. I believe many languages write it so, but the original, the Venitian dialect of Italian, wrote it s-ciào, that became ciao in modern Italian. I'd prefer to use correct original spelling.

        If anyone is interested, originally it was a short hand of s-ciào vostro (formal) or s-ciào su (informal), meaning "I'm your slave", more or less like "at your service". Derived from the medieval Latin sclavus, from the Slavic ethnic group, since most of the slaves came from the Balkans at that time. The modern day Italian word for "slave" is schiavo.

        • imakestuffgood

          Great, I'm glad you liked one of them :) Thats some interesting information thank you, you're certainly the right mod for t/language.

          • Bastou

            Thanks, I appreciate it!

      • thinkerbell

        Fantastic banners!

        • imakestuffgood

          Thank you thinkerbell, I'll help out when I can. I kind of enjoy it :)

      • Bastou

        Hey, someone mentioned there were artifacts in the banner due to the jpg format, do you have it in either gif or png?

        • imakestuffgood

          I'm not sure what that means, the best I can do is convert the jpg to png for you. I didn't keep the original file. http://imgur.com/6ZGtVFJ I hope that's what you're after.

          • Bastou

            It means the edge of the letters are fuzzy. This is normal for the jpg format, which is meant for live photographs. It comes from how the compression is achieved. But both gif and png use a different method to compress images which do not create fuzzy edges where sharp color changes happen (these are pretty rare in photography, but quite common in computer created icons and images). I'm not sure we can get a much better result by converting the original jpg, but I've taken it and sharpened it a bit. It's not perfect, but a bit better. Thanks nonetheless!

            • imakestuffgood

              ok so no more jpg files then, thanks for explaining that to me.

            • Bastou
              @imakestuffgood -

              Well, jpg files are preferred if your banner is a picture. Gif is the smallest available format, but it is limited in color. It can only have 256 different colors (picked out of the 16 million defined byt the 256 tones of blue, red and green), so it is ideal for computer made logos or text with few gradients, or a limited color palette. Png offers the best of both jpg and gif quality, at the expense of space : they'll take more mB for the same quality of a jpg or gif, but won't have any of their limitations.

              So if you're unsure, make a png and convert it to both jpg and gif, zoom it way up to see the fine parts, and pick the one that looks best.

  • thinkerbell

    Hello! Yes, we can do that. I have a couple of orders ahead of you, but I will cook something up for ya. If anybody else wants to take a shot at this, please comment that you are working on it!

    • Bastou (edited 9 years ago)

      Don't worry, we're only 5 members so far, I can contain their impatience. ;-)

      Thank you so much!

      • thinkerbell

        Please take a minute to read my new sticky for this tribe. Thank you.