
Banner creation how-to?

Has anyone come across a tutorial for making banners? Or do you have some advice on how to create an image with the proper dimensions in Photoshop or MS Paint? I am not experienced with such things and would love a few tips, but I can't seem to find any.

9 years ago by FivesandSevens with 10 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    We are working on improving the banner upload experience to let users crop larger banners using an upcoming crop tool. This tool will take banners / images that are larger than the required size and will allow members to drag and re-size the area the banner will represent. This function is coming in the next update and should be expected to arrive in a matter of weeks.

    • thinkerbell

      Oh awesome! Glad to hear that you guys are listening to the user requests. I'm looking forward to the changes.

    • FivesandSevens

      Great news! Sounds much like what I had in mind. Thank you for the quick response.

  • schrodingersman

    You can change the dimensions in MS Paint. Open the picture you want to change. Then go to the image ribbon and locate the re size button. This will allow you to change the size based on percentage or by pixels. It will also allow you to retain the original aspect ratio of the original image. It is an odd size to achieve so often times I have to customize the pixel size without retaining the aspect ratio.

    • thinkerbell

      That's good advice. In photoshop open a new project and make sure the dimensions are 1680x153. Open the photo you want, and click the lock icon to unlock the photo so you can move it over to the new project. Keep in mind that though the dimensions are as stated, the sides get cut off. Test the photo out on your own profile to make sure it looks good.

      • FivesandSevens

        Thank you for the advice. I wound up doing my first banner in Paint, but I'll try PS next!

        • thinkerbell

          Paint is a great little tool! Glad you found something that worked.

          • FivesandSevens

            It really is. I use it all the time for screencaps and such, but somehow I never noticed that images could be resized by pixel-count!

    • FivesandSevens

      Thank you. That's very helpful. I was able to get something to work by following your instructions. I'm still playing around with things, trying to reckon with the missing ends/sides problem, but that's just a minor quibble compared to not being able to do anything at all!

      • schrodingersman

        Yeah that odd size has been throwing me off and causing me to have to redo things. I'm sure as more people start creating banners a more streamlined process will develop.