  • TheGuyThatsMeh

    Would children use adult language instead? Imagine a 6 year saying: " Bloody hell, fuck off mate. You scream more than my aunt Lisa."

    • Nextmastermind

      "Timmy you're being a stupid head, go to your room."

      "FUCK OFF ASSHOLE!!!!"

      "You're such a meanie face!"

      "YOU'RE A BITCH!"

      "I know you are but what am I?!"

      • picklefingers

        That would actually make a pretty good comedy sketch.

    • sick

      Actually, they do if you think about it. It's just that "Fuck you" isn't REALLY offensive and "nana doodoo stick your head in poopoo" is the most offensive thing you could ever say. [In SOME alternate universe at least]

      • casuallynoted

        That's the kind of thing that a writing prompt tribe would handle very well. XD