
SO! How's everyone enjoying season 2 so far?

I watched the first two episodes last night and was impressed at how quickly the returned to form - always a worry after a magical first season. No Spoilers

9 years ago by TiffanyAching with 11 comments

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  • bogdan

    First season was awesome. Now I'm waiting to watch the second season with my girlfriend, so I haven't watched any of the episodes yet, however you made me super excited with your comment above!

    • Artlovepeace

      I won't give anything away, but season 2 has been amazing so far! Really keeps the essence of the show going.

  • Artlovepeace

    Thanks for posting Tiffany! If you could edit your post to say "No Spoilers" that would be awesome!

    • TiffanyAching

      Darn the window for editing the title is gone. put something in the body text but that's not too helpful unfortunately. Sorry about that!

  • snakepaws

    I love that they picked up right where they left off with season 1 (no spoilers). So far, I'm really loving it, but not looking forward to the wait for the next episodes to air!

  • Some1fairer

    I was worried after the first episode, but the second redeemed it.

    • Heaven

      I actually thought episode one was better, but I thought both were great.

  • Albatross

    I loved the first two episodes but now we have to wait 2 more weeks after the original release date.

  • MyAnacondaDoes

    I'm in the same boat as /u/bogdan. Me and my sister are going to be watching the episodes together when they come out officially. Still super hyped to see what comes though!

  • vulpixwithdix

    I don't want to give any spoilers to those who haven't seen the leaked episodes. But I absolutely love it. Both episodes were awesome and I'm looking forward to more.

  • Channu

    They did a great job so far and I am really enjoying 2nd season of Rick and Morty.