  • VoyagerXyX (edited 9 years ago)

    I'd like to sincerely thank you /u/eggpl4nt for taking the time to write this up! This is vital information and I am really very happy to see it stickied here on /t/rats. I hope many people find it as useful as we know it to be. There is not a very good understanding of rats amongst your average pet owner. Thanks again. I really appreciated seeing this.

    Additionally it may be worth it to add about potty training:

    Make sure to hold them often when they are young. If they grow up without being handled daily they wont be as much fun to play with and take out as adults because they wont be accustomed to you. Also, play with them in 15 minute spurts. If you ever notice that you put them in and they pee right away take them back out immediately. Keep doing this each time extending the amount of time all the way up to a half hour or forty minutes and your rats will be potty trained! They will learn not to pee while out of the cage and will let you know if they need to go back to relieve themselves by acting antsy! :) Good luck, post pictures when you get them!

    • eggpl4nt

      Aw, thank you. :) Yay~!

      I will definitely add a section about litter-training, thanks!

      • VoyagerXyX

        Any time! Looking forward to contributing here, I love my ratties! :D