  • eggpl4nt

    Hello! I was actually in the process of writing a basic rat-owning post, but it's gonna take a bit of a while. :)

    I feed my rat Oxbow Regal Rat Adult Rat food. It's a great brand and you don't have to measure out serving sizes, most rats are smart enough to only eat however much they need. My rats love the food, I used Kaytee lab blocks before Oxbow, but they like the Oxbow way more. And Kaytee is a sketchy brand - more like the Walmart brand of pet products, in my opinion.

    Also, please make sure you adopt at least a pair of rats. Rats do not do well being lonely, as they are social animals. Two rats are not much harder to take care for than one rat, and with two rats they both will be a lot more happy and less afraid of you and the new environment.

    • NameTaken

      Thanks. I have done alot of research on how to look after them.

      • eggpl4nt

        Awesome! I hope you have lots of fun when you adopt yours. :) Hope you take some pictures~