  • redalastor

    Me semble que c'est par URL sniffing.

    Ça bloque aussi Youtube et plus chiant pour moi, Google Music.

    • INeedAnswers123

      C'est quoi l'idée pour eux de faire ça? Sauver de la bande passante?

    • Hawkins

      Considerez-vous a proxy server. There are lots of cheap ones in the US, Canada, and Europe. The idea is that there's a dude with a server, to whom you give a few bucks. You configure your internet connection to NOT ask the Internet for URLs, but instead to ask the dude, to whom you have a decently-encrypted connection.

      The dude fetches your bits, from YouTube or Google Music, or whatever, and delivers them to you via the encrypted stream, so your ISP has no idea what you're doing.

      The process introduces a little latency, so I wouldn't use it for twitch games. But for anything else, the latency is usually not an issue.

      I use ibVPN, because they seem like nice guys. But there are Canadian VPN vendors, too, which would introduce far less latency.

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