  • redalastor

    My favourite was only a blog post with no interpreter ever written. It was called Lovecraft.

    It's only written in the past (so for instance instead of

    delete x


    x was sacrified

    ), and every variable risks being corrupted every time you access it. In fact, the more variables you have, the more likely they will be corrupted so you better sacrifice some.

    There's no way to escape strings and whatnot because in Lovecraft, there is no escape.

    I also like LOLCODE:


    And FIM++, here's how to add the number of 1 to 100 in it:

    Dear Princess Celestia: I can add!
    Today I learned how to add a lot.
    Did you know that the number the answer was how to add using 1 and 100?
    I said the answer!
    That's all about how to add a lot.
    I learned how to add to get a number using the number first and the number last.
    Did you know that the number sum was 0?
    As long as first was no more than last,
    sum became sum plus first...
    first got one more.
    That's what I did!
    Then you get sum!
    That's all about how to add!
    Your faithful student, Kyli Rouge.