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How to Be a More Productive Freelancer
Using Lean Methodology, you can use these 5 steps to learn how to be efficient and productive when you're working at home.
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How to Multiply Your Time to Improve Your Social Media
Rory Vaden, Co-Founder of Southwestern Consulting, joins the Social Pros Podcast this week to discuss his revolutionary ideas about time management and its importance for social media experts.
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7 Content Marketing Tools to Improve Your Productivity
These seven tools can make a big difference in your content marketing productivity. From discovering your competitors keyword rankings to Google Analytics interpretations and editorial calendar plug-ins, these tools are all free.
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24 Posts on Marketing and Productivity
Fetching Friday is back for week four of 2015! Each week, I’ll share with you the top posts on online marketing and productivity. Without further ado, here are the top posts this week! Content Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Productivity
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6 Habits of Super Productive Freelancers
There are many benefits to freelancing, including the ability to set your own hours and rid yourself of a long, boring, and expensive commute. (Forgot how awesome freelancing is? Read this.) However, one of the downsides of being your own boss is that no one’s there to check in on you. It’s all too easy to lose focus, which only harms you and your business. Especially during the holiday season, it’s harder than ever...
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The Science Behind Why Jeff Bezos's Two-Pizza Team Rule Works
Amazon's Jeff Bezos has a famous two-pizza team rule that teams shouldn’t be larger than what two pizzas can feed. Here’s the science behind why it works.
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Plants in offices increase happiness and productivity
Offices devoid of pictures, souvenirs or any other distractions are "the most toxic space" you can put a human into, say psychologists in a paper published on Monday, which says workers perform better when household plants are added to workplaces.
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It's Time for a Four-Day Workweek
Evidence shows that a seven-day week with a two-day weekend is an inefficient model.
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Burger Robot Poised to Disrupt Fast Food Industry
I saw the future of work in a San Francisco garage two years ago. Or rather, I was in proximity to the future of work, but happened to be looking the other direction. At the time, I was visiting a space startup building satellites behind a carport. But just behind them—a robot was cooking up burgers. The inventors of the burger device? Momentum Machines, and they’re serious about fast food productivity.
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I Went 7 Days Without Complaining
Really, it should’ve been a wonderful weekend. An old friend was in from out of town and a group of us got together to drink margaritas, eat burritos, and catch up. And then it started: I told a long, plotless “story” that was mostly just a character assassination of a mutual acquaintance of ours whom I’d never really liked. Someone else chimed in with a rant about his disorganized, clueless boss. This set another person off about the terrible new hours she’d just been given at work.
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Sweden: The New Laboratory for a Six-Hour Work Day
Officials hope less time at the office will make workers healthier and more productive.
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10 Ways to Be Productive in 60 Seconds
When you have a minute to spare here and there, it can be easy to succumb to checking Facebook or playing a quick game on your phone. After all, that's all you have time for...
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The Secret History of Life-Hacking
How the cult of self-optimization was born on the factory floor—with a manager's stopwatch in hand.
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Google is right: We work better when we're happy
New research confirms what Google already knows—greater employee happiness results in higher productivity without sacrificing quality. Economists carried out a number of experiments to test the idea that happy employees work harder. In the laboratory, they found happiness made people about 12 percent more productive.
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How Guy Kawasaki Manages His Time
Guy Kawasaki is a workaholic and he has to be because he does so many different things, from writing books, to investing, to speaking and more. In this interview, we find out exactly how he managers (or doesn't manage) his...
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The Mommy-Track Myth
Workers with kids are just as productive as those without, according to a new study.
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Working on Weekends
If you’re a freelancer, it’s easy to fall into the trap—for me, working all the time made me tired of what I love the most.
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Yahoo Mail brings back the tabs it killed two months ago, with a twist
When Yahoo redesigned its webmail service two months ago, it got rid of tabs, a feature the company says often confused users when they had too many open. That feature was later replaced by a "recent" view, which showed the last few messages in a short list. Now Yahoo has brought tabs back with another feature designed to let users with tons of tabs quickly see what they're working on.
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Let's ditch the 9-5 workday: Here's why
That midafternoon ennui that takes over most days isn't a sign that you are lazy or unmotivated; it just proves that you are normal. According to recent research, most people in creative or professional jobs can only churn out about six (worthy) hours worth of quality work a day; the rest is what it feels like — dithering.
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Why the cult of hard work is counter-productive
From footballers’ work rates to the world of Big Data, the cult of “productivity” seems all-pervasive – but doing nothing might be the best thing for your well-being and your brain.
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