+11 +1
The trust deficit tearing apart our societies
"We now have two large camps, pitted against each other, who have starkly different conceptions of what their societies are and where they need to head. In a very real sense, these two camps no longer speak the same language. There has been a rupture, and they can find no common ground." By Johnathan Cook.
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Follow the Money: Three Billionaires Paved Way for Trump’s Iran Deal Withdrawal
President Donald Trump has just fulfilled a campaign pledge to tear up the Obama administration’s signature foreign policy achievement. By Eli Clifton.
+19 +1
Donald Trump and America’s new civil war
Barack Obama’s presidency was supposed to mark a great leap forward for the United States. But, as Omar El Akkad discovered as he travelled across America this year, the election of Donald J. Trump has turned the country against itself.
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Big Money Rules
Two recent books—Nancy MacLean’s Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America and Gordon Lafer’s The One Percent Solution: How Corporations Are Remaking America One State at a Time—seek to explain several puzzling aspects of American politics today. Why do people of modest means who depend on government-funded health care and Social Security or other supplements to their income continue to vote for candidates who promise to privatize or get rid of those very programs? Why do people who are poor vote for politicians who promise to cut corporate taxes? By Diane Ravitch.
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In America, rescuing a piglet makes you a terrorist but shooting up a concert doesn’t
The FBI and certain animal rights groups are at war. By Kristin Hugo.
+15 +1
For Whom the Phone Rings: The Genius Cult
It’s genius season again. From NPR to the New York Times, they’re talking about where people were when they found out they had won the MacArthur Fellowship, our society’s most prestigious honor... By Thomas Frank.
+23 +1
Is There a Silver Lining to Citizens United?
By making a mockery of traditional efforts at reform, the Supreme Court’s ruling shifted our attention to local experiments that appear to be working. By Thomas B. Edsall.
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