+5 +1
Code commenting and PHP documentation generation
Review of code commenting issues and solutions for generating documenation.
+1 +1
PHP - How to create a database?
This tutorial is all about how to create database in MySQL. I explained everything about database creation from scratch using phpmyadmin and XAMPP as web server.
+1 +1
Upload and resize image using php
how to upload and resize images using php. How to upload and resize single and multiple images at the same time in php.
+1 +1
Thanks for the Memcached…
This simple and powerful distributed memory object-caching system can accelerate your dynamic web app’s performance.
-2 +1
Developing applications with Laravel 5 - Part 3 • Conetix
This is Part 3 of Developing Applications in Laravel 5. To recap so far: In Part 1 I covered developing a simple application that exercised t...
-3 +1
Tips to Write Maintainable Code for Cake PHP Developers
Getting a dream job is equally significant to perform that with perfection. While talking about coding or programming, the same applies here as well. Writing a code which can be maintained later by…
+2 +1
PHP Performance - Why is it important • Conetix
Performance is an area which many of us agree is important, but which, for many of us, perhaps doesn’t get the attention it should. Why? It’s lik...
+1 +1
PHP 7.0.0 Beta 2 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.0.0 Beta 2. This is the fourth pre-release of the new PHP 7 major series. All users of PHP are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs and incompatibilities in the bug tracking system.
+11 +3
Why You Should Use PDO Instead of MySQLi • Conetix
Databases, what would web applications be without them, especially when you’re working with PHP. OK, that’s not a completely fair statement to ma...
+17 +5
PHP 7.0.0 Beta 1 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.0.0 Beta 1. This is the third pre-release of the new PHP 7 major series. All users of PHP are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs and incompatibilities in the bug tracking system.
Current Event+1 +1
PHP 5.6.11, 5.5.27, and 5.4.43 Released
Several bugs were fixed in this release as well as CVE-2015-3152.
+13 +2
PhpStorm 9 Released
PhpStorm 9, the new major release of our professional PHP IDE, is now available for download!
Expression+14 +4
PHP Frameworks: The Best 10 for Modern Web Development
PHP web frameworks have an ecosystem of their own in the world of web development. PHP frameworks are used to build websites and web applications of all sizes and complexity, ranging from small static websites to large scale complex enterprise content management systems.
Unspecified+2 +2
PHP or ASP.Net: Which Platform Should You Choose? - 'corePHP' Blog
Are you having trouble picking out which platform to choose from between PHP and ASP.net. Check out some of the things to look at when choosing.
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