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Published 9 years ago by NerfYoda with 8 Comments
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  • twoBits

    I'm not a php developer so I haven't used phpstorm, but I can't live with out IntelliJ. Even if it takes a minute to start up the intuitiveness makes up for it.

  • DunkEgg

    I just cant use it. End up always coming back to npp

    • itsmeee

      I bought their webstorm a bit ago and while good it just took so long to start I eventually switched away because I was losing so much time.

      • DunkEgg

        Thats what drove away from the Ides in general. But this software is good, it mixes everything nice. But, I dont know, maybe Im a caveman with my code. I like to write everyline by myself. I hate the new auto complete module they added to NPP

        • NerfYoda

          I used to be like that, but after doing a few C# projects and working in Visual Studio I learned to embrace auto-completion. PhpStorm's is the best out of the bunch for me. I'm really curious to see how their new type inferencing code works out.

    • redalastor

      Really? I don't touch PHP dev without a 10 feet pole but I like their other IDEs very much.

      • DunkEgg

        Awww I feel like home, PHP bashing the first day. Its great!

        • redalastor

          I didn't bash. I said I don't touch it. It's my deeply seated preference. I don't mind if others use it.

          I'm just saying that Jetbrains tends to have a deep understanding of the languages they make IDEs for and I suppose it's the same for their PHP offering but I couldn't evaluate that myself.

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