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+10 +1
Seven seconds of Spiderman viewing yields a 20% phobia symptom reduction
Summary: Study reports people with insect phobias reported a 20% reduction in symptoms following seven-seconds of exposure to the superhero movies Spiderman and Antman.Source: Bar-Ilan University
+1 +1
Trypophobia Cure and Treatment
Trypophobia Cure and Treatment Trypophobia is the fear of holes. Nevertheless, it is not the fear of the huge holes but rather the fear of the clusters of holes. Most typophobic people begin to feel weird, discomfort and uncomfortable feeling on the whole body when they see tiny holes. Today, trypophobia is used to describe …
+23 +1
Investigating My Lifelong Phobia of Cotton Balls
It’s called sidonglobophobia, and it’s a lot more emotionally fraught than it sounds.
+20 +1
Overcoming lifelong lizard-phobia in Louisiana
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I’ve had a good year. Allow me to share this story of mental health with you.