  • Wenjarich

    I actually think it's kind of intended as a catch all type tribe hence the idea behind using labels in the titles. Like I used [Discussion] in my title. So the posts you're talking about wanting to post sound great just put the under [Session Story] or something, there are a bunch of labels already in the column on the right of the tribe but if it doesn't exist then go ahead and create your own label :)

    I think this tribe is a place wherr we can discus anything with regard to pen and paper rpg gaming, we just need to indicate in our title what our post is about.

    • racerxonclar

      Okay, 18 text modules for the full chapter is a bit overkill... I'll have to pair that down... tomorrow...

      • Wenjarich

        Hahaha or you have a lot of posts to keep and release slowly but surely :P

    • racerxonclar

      Deal :)
      I'll decide how much of that story I'll be posting once I figure out a formatting that doesn't kill the eyes with walls of text :D