  • Wenjarich

    I think it would be easier to use a pre made game for the purpose(should it already) than adapting a different one. The reason being is if you adapt, you'll probably find yourself adapting mechanics all the time when you want to do something. Need npcs/enemies? Have to adapt them. Want to use a specific type of ability decide on an equivalent and adapt it etc. Plus a qucik google search suggested there is a system already in place :)

    • Urbanknight4

      That was quick lol. It looks like Rogue Trader is more like what I was looking for. There are no restrictions, you own your own starship, and you're free to do whatever you wish in the universe.

      • Wenjarich

        Yes, definitely sounds like there would be a lot less adapting involved in that regard :P

        • Urbanknight4

          I'll do some more research and then return! I'll make a new post and everything when it's all ready :)