- 9 years ago Sticky: What is no man's sky?
+19 +1
Star Citizen 3.0's planetary landing blows No Man's Sky away
This week at Gamescom, Roberts Space Industries showed off version 3.0 of Star Citizen, introducing the game's planetary tech. For backers playing Star Citizen in its 2.4 or 2.5 versions, they begin on a space station, and they can cruise around together in some spiffy-looking spaceships, but it's mostly about combat, with a limited sandbox component as well. 3.0, which is coming towards the end of this year, brings the first proper star system in Star Citizen to life, and is a major step towards making this universe feel like a gigantic backdrop.
+31 +1
11 changes we want to see in No Man's Sky's future updates
Let us hire wingmen and fly our ships underwater. Plus everyone gets to pick one planet to completely destroy. When I spoke to Sean Murray back in March he mentioned that No Man’s Sky didn’t feel like a game that was right for paid DLC (a statement he has recently stepped back from a bit) but he did mention that the game might receive free updates based on player behavior and feedback. I can certainly think of a few changes I’d like to see in the coming weeks and months, so I put together a wishlist.
+22 +2
I will now talk about No Man's Sky hype for about 40 minutes
TotalBiscuit brings you a discussion on the hype surrounding the highly anticipated game, No Man's Sky.
+8 +1
No Man's Sky preview: GTA meets Minecraft in space
Your universe just got a whole lot bigger.
0 +2
The Otherworldly Sounds of No Man's Sky - IGN First - (Direct downloads in description).
How one person from an English suburb is creating a universe bursting with sounds that are out of this world. 720p:http://assets2.ign.com/videos/zencoder/2015/7/24/1280/dee0b0732ed0f3eaa76ed78dfefce0d3-2500000-1437747609-w.mp4 480p:http://assets2.ign.com/videos/zencoder/2015/7/24/853/dee0b0732ed0f3eaa76ed78dfefce0d3-1000000-1437747609-w.mp4
+2 +2
How No Man's Sky Infinite Universe Actually Works - IGN First
Discover the secret to creating a universe that takes billions of years to fully explore. If you hate the IGN video player you can directly download the videos using these links: 1080p:http://assets4.ign.com/videos/zencoder/2015/7/22/1920/8af11b80e75f3c246b675f034331ce0d-5000000-1437571764-w.mp4 480p:http://assets4.ign.com/videos/zencoder/2015/7/22/853/8af11b80e75f3c246b675f034331ce0d-1000000-1437571764-w.mp4
+20 +3
No Man's Sky: 6 Minutes of Exploration Gameplay - IGN First - IGN Video
Watch us wander a random No Man's Sky planet in our first-ever hands-on, including sticking the best ship landing ever.
+10 +3
No Man's Sky: 6 Minutes of Exploration Gameplay - IGN First
Watch us wander a random No Man's Sky planet in our first-ever hands-on, including sticking the best ship landing ever.
+13 +3
No Man's Sky: A Tour of 5 New Planets - IGN First
We flew to five random planets in No Man's Sky, and this is what we saw.
+3 +3
No Man's Sky: From Humble Beginnings - IGN
Floods, frustration, and day dreaming. Here's the story of how a small team in Guildford, England, created an entire universe. The ign link is higher quality but less reliable than the youtube video.
+2 +2
No Man's Sky - All 5 Trailers (So Far)
+39 +5
No Man's Sky: How the Economy Works - IGN First
No Man's Sky architect Sean Murray explains how trading and crafting work in the game and how it can be played in very different ways.
After I saw the First Trailer for No Man's Sky I Cried.
+12 +5
No Man's Sky: 18 Minutes of Game play + some Q&A (YouTube channel IGN)(2015)(1080p)
7 comments by noot -
+8 +3
A Behind-The-Scenes Tour Of No Man's Sky's Technology (Game Informer)(2014)(1080P)
18 minuets of gameplay will be shown on ign in 20 minuets.
no comments by noot -
+9 +3
No Man’s Sky: E3 2015 Sony Stage Demo