Text Post: Post all team tribes in here posted by Beta
  • RsonW

    Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't seem to create a tribe even after following the FAQ. Help?

    • Beta

      click on your user picture then press Tribe Memberships, after that there should be a button in the top right corner that says create tribe, hope this helps

      • RsonW (edited 8 years ago)

        Yeah, that's what the FAQ said, I'm not seeing it, unfortunately. I'm still only level one and I'm on my phone. One or both could have something to do with it. Thank you for the help, though.

        • Beta

          I think it is because you're on your phone

          • RsonW

            That's what I'm reading in /t/lounge. I'll get to a computer tomorrow and there'll be a tribe for my team. What team? Well, you'll just have to wait and see!

            • Beta

              Well I like you so far but if your team is the dolphins, patriots, or jets we may have some problems ahead

            • [Deleted Profile]

              [This comment was removed]

            • RsonW
              @ -

              Got to an actual computer, thanks for offering to help, though!