
/t/70smusic and /t/80smusic have been scuttled

The Pirate Radio division of the Crooked Tale Pirates have claimed the /t/70smusic and /t/80smusic. In a short interview the Captain of the Crooked Tale Pirates commented on the latest acquisition, "Pirates love music, they always have. Of course this could also be a result of the scurvy or STD's affecting their brains. I can tell you that the format WILL change slightly so News Articles and stories about the artists of the time will be allowed along with current concert dates if the artist/s are still living. This should give the tribes a more well rounded feel. After all it is not just about music, it's about the MUUUUUSSSSIC! Get It? no? Well we just want to add more music, news, and fun to the tribe. This format will also be pushed to our other music related tribes like /t/electroswing. We will also look at new ways of providing music content rather than videos which tend to drop off as soon as a copyright claim is made on youtube"

So there you have it folk. But the big question is will this band of reckless pirates be able to pull this off? or will they be found unconscious from rum overdose mumbling to themselves in a drunken ken? Only time will tell.

7 years ago by CrookedTale

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