  • LacquerCritic

    Ha! I came here to say "pretty much anything by Aphex Twin", but there you go. You had the link.

    How about this (with a friendly dose of self-promotion) - Tokio Hotel is a mainstream pop band, not particularly well known for being risque. Their videos have typically been pretty standard pop-rock fare. So imagine the response when they came up with this bizarre video featuring a stuffed-animal like creature spraying ping-pong balls out of something that had to be censored for Youtube, along with psychedelic gun-wielding kind-of drag queens.

    It's not the strangest video I've ever seen, but it's one of the weirdest I've seen from regular pop band.

    • Csellite

      That is quite ridiculous and not what I was expecting when the song first started. But hahaha yes aphex twin is pretty screwed up.

      • LacquerCritic (edited 8 years ago)

        Speaking as a fan of Tokio Hotel who knows other fans of them, yeah, I don't think anyone was expecting it. That being said, Aphex Twin tops them by a loooong shot, but I can't help it if you mentioned my answer first, haha. Pretty sure this video gave me nightmares for days.

        • Csellite

          Haha yes! I had the same nightmares my friend. They really know how to screw with your mind.