Text Post: Searching for Mods posted by bigkix
  • Bastou (edited 9 years ago)

    Hi bigkix! Hi Movie fans out there! I'm interested in becoming a moderator as well.

    About me:

    I'm an IT professional in his 30's, father of two young girls, movie enthusiast, from Quebec, Canada.

    I enjoy a wide variety of movies, I'll watch a big budget brainless blockbuster once in a while, but I really enjoy movies that make you either think or feel things (positive or negative). I enjoy confusing, open and bad endings. I like independent and foreign cinema.

    As any true movie fan, I can't be brought down to naming one favorite. But here's a short list of movies I enjoyed a lot :

    - Fight Club;
    - The Shawshank Redemption;
    - Once Upon a Time in the West;
    - Wall-E;
    - The Grand Budapest Hotel;
    - Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (Amelie);
    - Abre los ojos (Open Your Eyes, remade as Vanilla Sky);
    - Congorama