+22 +1
Rare footage of 1950's housewife on LSD
One of my favourite clips about some of my favourite experiences. Sort of.
+14 +1
Psychedelic drugs may launch a new era in psychiatric treatment, brain scientists say
One of the hottest tickets at this year's Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego was a session on psychedelic drugs. About 1,000 brain scientists squeezed into an auditorium at the San Diego Convention Center for the symposium, called Psychedelics and Neural Plasticity.
+20 +1
LSD microdosing does not appear to improve mood or cognitive ability, according to new placebo-controlled study
A new randomized controlled study of LSD microdosing has failed to find evidence that the psychedelic practice results in improvements to mood or cognition. The research has been published in the journal Addiction Biology.
+18 +1
Psychedelics can alter a person's core metaphysical beliefs for as long as six months after use, study suggests
Findings from the journal Scientific Reports suggest that psychedelic drugs can alter a person’s core beliefs about the nature of reality, consciousness, and free will. After taking psychedelics, participants’ views tended to sway from physicalism to supernatural beliefs, and these changes lasted up to six months. The researchers say the findings raise ethical considerations.
+16 +1
LSD Induced Changes May Explain How Brain Generates Behavior
A team of researchers from the Baylor College of Medicine have found that Lysergic acid diethylamide, more commonly known as LSD, causes changes in the brain that may offer insight into how the brain actually directs behavior.
+1 +1
Psychedelic Synergy: How Meditation and Psychedelics Could Have Complimentary Effects
Meditation and psychedelics seem to have similar experiential effects. A new paper highlights how they could work in harmony when applied together.
+12 +1
What if a Pill Can Change Your Politics or Religious Beliefs?
A new mental health treatment using the psychedelic compound psilocybin raises questions about medicine and values
+2 +1
Prescribed Ketamine Turned These Men Violent, Allege Lawsuits
One set himself on fire, the other had a fight with the cops. But experts say ketamine is an unlikely culprit.
+27 +1
A single high dose of psilocybin alters brain function up to one month later
New research provides evidence that the active ingredient in so-called magic mushrooms can affect brain processes related to emotional functioning long after the substance has left one’s body. The findings, published in Scientific Reports, shed new light on the long-term effects of psilocybin.
+1 +1
Are More Clubbers Taking Ketamine Without Knowing It?
Researchers in New York found that many clubbers who weren't aware of taking ketamine had in fact used it. More drug checking services are needed.
+10 +1
Psychedelics May Aid in Deprogramming Addiction
Addictive disorders are a burden on both the productivity and the well-being of humanity.1 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that every year in the U.S. roughly 600,000 Americans die from drug overdoses and health complications directly due to drug use (excluding indirect death, like homicide).2-4 Over 80% of deaths are due to tobacco, making it the leading cause of preventable death.
+16 +1
Active agent in magic mushrooms could treat addiction, depression and anxiety
The thought of dying was killing Kerry Pappas. Then the cancer patient took a trip on psilocybin – the active agent in "magic mushrooms." Ever since, she says she is perfectly comfortable with her life.
+16 +1
A countess's 54-year love affair with psychedelics is changing what we know about the brain
Amanda Fielding's 54-year love affair with psychedelics is helping us better understand how the drugs can benefit our brains.
+4 +1
First controlled study of LSD microdosing finds few benefits -- and some downsides
New research confirms that the alterations in consciousness associated with very low doses of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) are not just the result of a placebo effect. But the findings suggest that these “microdoses” might not have many benefits. Preliminary research had indicated that microdosing could improve several aspects of psychological functioning.
+21 +1
Colorado Votes to Decriminalize “Magic Mushrooms”
Voters in Colorado have made their voices heard on another drug issue: Decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms. Denver voters showed up at the polls yesterday to narrowly Initiative 301, making the Mile High City the first in the US to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms. Despite late reports that the ballot initiative was losing on Tuesday night, the measure passed with 50.6 percent of the vote, according to the Denver Post. The total was now, standing at 89,320 votes in favor and 87,341 against, a margin of 1,979.
+26 +1
Study: Microdosing LSD for 1 month was followed by improved mood, productivity
Microdosing psychedelic drugs on a regular basis might be a safe way to improve your mood and productivity, according to a new study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Microdosing is a practice in which you take a very small or "sub-perceptual" dose of drugs in order to reap the benefits of the drug without experiencing too much of its consciousness-altering effects. In the recent study, researchers collected reports from more than 1,000 participants in 59 countries, most of whom microdosed once every three days for a month.
+22 +1
Women who microdose mushrooms: 'It makes me enjoy playing with the kids'
Rosie has just returned from the school run. She drops a bag of groceries on to her kitchen table, and reaches for a clear plastic cup, covered by a white hanky and sealed with a hairband. Inside is a grey powder; her finely ground homegrown magic mushrooms. “I’ll take a very small dose, every three or four days,” she says, weighing out a thumbnail of powder on digital jewellery scales, purchased for their precision. “People take well over a gram recreationally.
+2 +1
Experiences of ‘Ultimate Reality’ or ‘God’ Confer Lasting Benefits to Mental Health
People over the millennia have reported having deeply moving religious experiences either spontaneously or while under the influence of psychedelic substances such as psilocybin-containing mushrooms or the Amazonian brew ayahuasca, and a portion of those experiences have been encounters with what the person regards as “God” or “ultimate reality.”
+4 +1
Psychedelics to treat mental illness? Australian researchers are giving it a go
Australia is about to start its first trial of psychedelic drugs for the treatment of anxiety and depression. If the results are positive, this could transform the way we treat mental illness.
+11 +1
Denver may become the first US city to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms
Denver is now voting on whether it should become the first US city to effectively decriminalize mushrooms containing the psychedelic psilocybin — also known as magic mushrooms. Initiative 301 would designate “the personal use and personal possession of psilocybin mushrooms” among people 21 and older as Denver’s lowest possible law enforcement priority, and prohibit the city from spending resources to pursue criminal penalties related to the use or possession of psilocybin mushrooms among people 21 and older.
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