  • hallucigenia
    @LacquerCritic -

    No worries. I just wanted to illustrate how it's easy to misinterpret people's comments. I'm just wondering how invested I want to get in a site that's not 100% free speech. No doubt there will be heated discussions on here from time to time, and I don't want to have to worry about getting kicked off just because I said something that's not PC.

    • BlueOracle
      @hallucigenia -

      Unless you're planing on setting up an overtly bigoted tribe or constantly spewing bullshit, you have nothing to worry about. I have conversations on here with people I don't agree with all the time, and I don't even downvote them for the most part. It's really not such a slippery slope as all that. The reputation score feature will likely do much of the work to censure assholes... BUT if assholes were in the majority, then reputation would work for and not against them, SO it's important to establish what kind of community we're going for here. It is possible that you would get kicked off if you're doing your best to be a dipshit, but if not, I really think your concern is unwarranted. If you don't want to get invested, that's your call. Free speech is usually balanced with other values, not framed as a 100% guarantee.