  • LacquerCritic

    Luckily I believe that one of the site rules is 'no posting racism or hate speech', so it's well established that that kind of material isn't allowed here. I'm also hoping that the different structure of posting, voting, etc. deters the worst of the trolls.

    • vulpixwithdix

      The "no hate speech" rule is one of the things that drew me to this site. It still feels open and free. Just no hate or nastiness.

      • CuppaMatt

        FULLY agreed on my part. I see the term "freedom of speech" thrown around so damn much that it's starting to lose it's meaning. That meaning has never meant "I'm free to be a racist/homophobic/fat hating jerk without consequences", it's about your right to free speech against your government, you have that. Now stop being a jerk.

        It seems like a genuinely nice community here so I'm quite hopeful that it will be somewhere nice to post.

    • Arbituz

      I'm all for free speech and being able to say what you want, but I like not seeing a bunch of racist circle jerk jokes around ever corner. Keep it up!

      • iamfuturamafry

        If someone tries to create /t/circlejerk I really hope no one joins or contributes to that crap. I always hated that part of reddit.

        • snuffy

          Satire like /r/circlejerk would be less necessary if this community doesn't descend into obnoxious groupthink.

          If a strong hive mind does grow here, then you bet some of us are going to take the piss out of it.

    • mrmeeahgee

      I'm a new Snapzite that came over from Reddit during this whole debacle, and I gotta say that I love that about this community. There are a lot of dicks and trolls on Reddit, and it gets very annoying. People say really hate filled things, and they down vote EVERYTHING. I think the limited down votes rule is another great one on Snapzu. I'm excited to see the user base grow and see what this can become.

      • LacquerCritic

        The leveling aspect of site users really does seem like something handy - it doesn't prevent a new user from engaging, but it does limit the initial "damage" a new user could do, for instance with the downvote limits. I've seen some posts suggesting the various systems in place here stifle growth, but growth just for the sake of growth isn't necessarily the ideal goal.