Text Post: My names Joe Dirte... posted by JoeDirte
  • Zorgon


    What kind of books are you into? I'm currently reading House of Leaves for the first time, and it's definitely the weirdest journey I've embarked on yet. Also, if you haven't learned to make curry yet, it's super cheap, easy, and delicious to make. 8)

    • JoeDirte

      I tend to stuck to fiction, but I've got a broad range within that. Just finished The Road for the first time. Brutal. So now I'm taking on lighter fare with Amy Poehlers book/memoir. Love it so far. She's hilarious. Though I've never heard of HoL.. it's weird? I tend to like weird. Haha

      Oh curry!thanks for the suggestion. Definitely going on the list. Been doing a lot of pasta sauce stuff lately.

      • Zorgon

        Haven't heard of those before, but I'll be sure to look them up[ later! House of Leaves is about the most post-modern thing I've ever read. You should take a gander at the funky page designs and stuff on amazon and see if it's something you'd be into. There's a lot of mental gymnastics involved in reading it.

        Yeah curry is a good change of pace from pasta. I'm all about maximizing tasty food for low cost due to being a poor student, so stuff like curry is a godsend to mix up my diet!