Text Post: Just got here, seems fun. posted by 1D10T
  • 1D10T

    Did you also come from voat?

    • Appaloosa

      Digg wars then Reddit....never tried voat.

      • 1D10T


        It's evolving into something bad.

        • RockyTron (edited 8 years ago)

          I liked it a few months ago... I ignored it the last couple months because it became repeat content from reddit. Then all of a sudden it became racists and conspiracies on everything and I stopped participating :( Not to mention the same stupid reddit drama over again

          • 1D10T


            history has funny ways of repeating itself, right?

          • RockyTron
            @1D10T -

            glad to see you here and not there, I'm really tired of the same old internet drama playing itself out again on Voat, poor Atko bit off more than he can chew. The conversations are slower here but I've been much more inclined to participate in this community than voat once it got populated by reddit rejects

          • 1D10T
            @RockyTron -


            Voat is terrible now.

            All it is now is memes, racism, and drama.

        • Bastou

          It's slowly becoming all the bad Reddit never were and recently tried to get away from (with moderate success).

          • 1D10T

            Really? I haven't been keeping up to date on anything voat related.

          • Bastou
            @1D10T -

            It seems the trolls and haters of all kind have taken over all the major subverses and the smaller ones have all but been abandoned, so there's not much left to be hopeful about. I almost deleted my account about a week ago, but I'm giving it one last chance. My hopes aren't very high up though.