  • LacquerCritic

    Glad to have you here. Keep in mind that the Snapzu doesn't just look different from reddit and Voat - it's format for submitting and sharing content is very different. Snaps on here allow for sources to be added (great for crediting photographers) as well as modules to add more depth to the content you're submitting - such as adding relevant links, videos, etc. It also allows other users to add relevant links (good for when another can find the source for whatever you're sharing). You can add tags to a post which helps Snapzu find relevant snaps for someone viewing your snap. If you want to submit your snap to more than one tribe (e.g. to videos, howto, and food as an example) you can choose all three tribes on your snap before publishing - it's essentially a simultaneous cross post.

    As well, downvotes are used very sparingly here - they're much more like a "Report" button. When you downvote a snap or text post, it'll ask for a reason why.

    • LeClick

      Aww man, I wrote my post too early... I am now discovering all this such as tags and such and the crediting option. The downvoting / report thing is very good too because it's prevent unnecessary witch hunting and e-hate. Thanks for the reply!

      • LacquerCritic

        No worries - you can always go back and edit a snap you've already created to add more things - I've gone back to older snaps and edited my tags on them to help with search functions and so on. I believe there is also a 15 minute grace period to edit the title for a snap as well, though I can't find my source on that, so take that with a grain of salt.