
Hi Snapzu! I'm very new and I want to get a better understanding of the culture/demographic of the average Snapzu user.

Hi Snapzu!

I'm really excited about this website, and I have a few questions.

I realize that the purpose of websites like Snapzu and Reddit are to aggregate a wide variety of users into different subreddits or tribes, so there is intrinsically a lot of diversity amongst the user population. However, that does not stop Reddit from having a bias toward particular demographics.

I know that when Reddit started out it was largely a tech/ computer science community. Then it started to become more of a general hotspot for liberal and libertarian millenials, typically from the US. Now I guess it seems to be turning more into a place for teenagers (at least on the defaults), although I guess that sounds a little too harsh and judgmental, and I realize that a large factor in that is that the kiddies are out of school for the summer. I know that Reddit is also one of the more overwhelmingly male-dominated spaces on the popular internet.

Can anyone provide any anecdotal experience about the general nationality, gender, politics, ideology, and age of the average Snapzu user?

Also, I read that Snapzu has less tolerance for hate speech and racism, and I was wondering about the extent to which it is moderated. To what degree are comments that are deemed intolerant or bigoted reported, disparaged or banned?

Thanks for your time! I'm looking forward to getting to know this community,


8 years ago by eyebrows with 8 comments

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  • a7h13f

    Honestly, I think the answers to your questions would be best found by spending some time on the website. I'm not quite sure what you're looking for. If you get twenty people commenting about their identity, would you consider that a representative sample of all Snapzu users?

    In any case, welcome to the site! I just think you may be overthinking the demographics a bit. I'm more interested in your ideas than your age, gender, or other identifying labels.

    • FishKnight (edited 8 years ago)

      Yes, I agree. You will only get a small slice of Snapzu with this sort of post. The best place to start, when trying to get to know Snapzu, is with the first message in your inbox (Prologue). It is full of advice and information about the community and how to find your way around. Welcome to the site!

      • eyebrows

        Oh wow great! I didn't even see that. Thanks for the advice!

    • eyebrows (edited 8 years ago)

      That's a really good point, and I'm definitely excited to get to know more about people on Snapzu than what they identify as. I guess I'm just also curious about what they identify as. I'm not trying to put Snapzu in a box or anything, it's just that from my experience on reddit, things like an overwhelming political, gendered, racial, or cultural bias could have a homogenizing effect on the exchange of ideas, so I feel like it's helpful to get a general background on the community. Although I definitely get your point that the best way to do that is to spend time looking through Snapzu.

  • spaceghoti

    I'm a US native, male, liberal tending toward socialist and over 40.

    I'm hoping that snapzu doesn't become like reddit where communities downvote outsiders to express disagreement. Bigotry and intolerance will always be with us, but hopefully by shining a light on it we can help remove it faster than when we bury it. However, reciprocity is still at the core of human morality so the more intolerance is shown to us I think it inevitable that we'll show intolerance back.