  • namo (edited 8 years ago)

    Welcome! (as someone who has been using snapzu for whole 48 hours)

    What I've picked up so far:

    - everyone is super nice

    - downvoting is only reserved for trolls and posts that break the tribe rules.

    - few achievements raise your level really fast, and levels unlock neat stuff like customizable banners and number of people you can follow.

    - check out "top tribe members" from tribes you like, and follow them. Then enjoy the home feed (?) with quality content.

    • thelastCastoff

      Awesome, I appreciate the tips. I think im going to hold off on following for now until I get my feet wet. This is all becoming very interesting to me. Its taking the best things out of social sites and merging it with the best things of reddit. This blows Voat and the other alternatives out of the water, from what I've seen.