  • cmagnificent

    Well, if a community you want is empty, that's a golden opportunity to start posting content there to get them started.

    It's kind of a Catch-22. Everyone loves these smaller niche communities, but when they find them they're empty so they move on. It takes a couple of people to step in and start posting and engaging like crazy so that the next person that comes by looking for their niche sees that it's active and decides to stay and contribute.

    • utesred

      That's exactly what I took from it, as well. I figure that in smaller communities, there's that much more of a responsibility on each person to create the kind of community that they want to be a part of. I think that's fair. It just might be the kind of challenge that is both fun and rewarding. Thanks for the thoughts.

      • Teakay

        Yep, I've never moderated anything (on reddit) before, but I've decided to pitch in some time and try to get a few of the niche communities started up. I may be posting stuff into a space no one but myself visits for a long while, but hopefully someday when someone does show up they'll stick around.