
Anyone else find Snapzu more calm than Reddit?

It's weird but the style of Snapzu is just more relaxing than Reddit's

8 years ago by Endergun with 16 comments

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  • xg549

    Probably because around here you can post whatever you feel like saying without worrying about tiptoeing around your words or just outright not posting (if your opinion is dissenting enough) unless you want to be slaughtered by downvotes.

    • Triseult

      I experienced this yesterday... It's such a liberating experience to speak your mind and not get downvoted to hell for it!

      I suspect some users even upvote content they disagree with being they appreciate genuine conversation. And that blows my mind.

      • spaceghoti (edited 8 years ago)

        Oh, it's coming. I'm seeing more mysterious downvotes on snaps and comments with no reason given. I don't know if the perpetrators will stop or if they consider it just the price of participation on a social media forum.

        • Triseult

          I hope the admins and the rest of the community will manage to enforce proper Snapzu etiquette. I might be naive, but I like to think this is just new users learning the ropes.

          One can hope... It's true that reddit used to be a much more civil place, downvote-wise.

          • neg8ivezero

            I share this hope. I really think it will have to come to some form of feature change, however, as the site grows in popularity. Currently there is no way to prevent the mass abuse of the down vote arrow.

        • caelreth

          I'm right there with you on the downvotes.

  • AinBaya

    My opinion but I think the UI helps with that. As well as the people and their opinions being free flowing.

    • CuppaMatt

      I like the invite barrier at the moment. I think it's killing off a lot of "short attention span" individuals from coming on and causing bother.

      • AinBaya

        Yeah. Also im just a bit curious to see what voat is like. like im not going to go join because i love it here but like a visiting tourist, I've heard so much and i wanna look but it seems to have been down since everyone left. Thanks goodness for the invite system

    • shadow1515

      You know, I can't put my finger on it but I also think the UI is somehow more mellow and relaxing. I think it has something to do with there not being a sidebar all the way down the page in the comments section, I just need to focus on one row of the screen at once without being distracted by columns. I never feel like they're in the way on Reddit, but now not having them I realize how much extra mental work they make me do.

  • leetmoaf

    I think it's more relaxing because people can see what you post due to the community's smaller size. Hopefully that doesn't change.

  • learnerkid

    I guess the more vocal population of reddit chose voat over snapzu while quitting, and frankly, I don't mind it at all.

    • shadow1515

      Frankly I'm on both. Voat has a nice familiar feel due to being an exact clone, and I still feel like the community there is more chill than Reddit (which I'm also still using for the smaller communities that haven't migrated anywhere else yet).

  • Corippus

    Well, it's a new community which means it's more focused on inclusion and welcoming new people at this stage. Also, points aren't prominently displayed on every single comment until you hover over it which is kinda laid back.

  • neg8ivezero

    Honestly, the UI helps and all the convenient features really do promote discussion and sharing but that isn't the sole source of how laid back it is here. I think the community seems to be really dedicated to keeping this place non-toxic and welcoming- I sincerely hope it stays that way.