  • MelonLord

    Sure some forms of the former are better desired by some members of society than others, but they don't signify a deep history and continuing struggle for equality in a large social structure of power, where certain groups have always landed on the subversive. There isn't a culture of oppression around baldness. There isn't a history of oppression for bald people. So using insults pertaining to baldness is in no way, shape or form the same as using gender or racial slurs.

    This part caught my attention, and I don't really agree. The context is how a user said insults are drawn off of whats easy at the time, so I don't see how you can equate a meaningless insult about race with a symbol for anything with a deeper meaning or intention. If someone were to say to me, "You dirty wetback," I wouldn't think anymore of it than if they were to say, "You ugly SOB." I know, and I assume everyone else does, that an angry asshole is just an asshole, no matter what they are saying. My race usually has nothing to do with them being angry or rude any more than my attractiveness does. What that user was saying is true, in my opinion, because these spur of the moment insults are not intentionally symbols for oppression, and if the symbolism is not intentional, then it holds no meaning.