  • rigel

    Really great analysis, thanks for writing that out. I would like to echo another comment here that said it was very refreshing to see this kind of thoughtful post.

    I think it's really unfortunate when issues like this happen, not only because of the social implications and the social injustice that is perpetuated from the slurs, misogynistic statements, etc; but also because those disgusting parts end up totally overshadowing the genuine criticisms. When there's a big group of people that oppose something, you'll probably only hear about the controversial, hateful, hurtful, etc kind of behavior that happens in that opposition, even if the people that say those things only make up a very small portion of the group. Peaceful, thoughtful protests aren't gonna get the same publicity that starting a riot will. And that is an unfortunate part of the modern shock-value-centered culture.

    I really hope that the genuine concerns and criticisms of Pao don't get overshadowed in the news coverage by the disgusting and hateful minority.