  • sushmonster

    Wow, some of the articles of /t/racerealism are really quite problematic. You make a good point about violating the spirit of those rules! I think this is perhaps the wrong community for users of that tribe and they will (hopefully) be fazed and filtered out by members of the community. I also want to add: I was strangely pleased to read that you are a libertarian in support of social justice and inequality! Like everyone else, I come with my own set of prejudices, and as a "left-wing" (dislike this term) socialist...even straight up Marxist in some ways, I have come to unfairly associate libertarianism with right-wing philosophies, including those very much governing oppression. But it's always nice to be reminded of your own prejudices, and see people that challenge them! So I thank you for opening my mind up the slightest bit today. :)

    • skully

      The mod of /t/racerealism hasn't posted anything since, so I'm hoping that you are right.

      I will be honest: it is hard to admit I'm a libertarian sometimes. I'm well aware of what the stereotype is, and there is a large minority of vocal people who fit that stereotype. I'm glad I have a safe space to share my views without being attacked for being libertarian on one side and not being libertarian enough on the other. :)