
Just found "snapzu" --- where have you been all my life?

Ever since the Ellen Pao fiasco I have been bouncing around hopeless cloneternatives (voat, hubski, empeopled and other pathetic excuses for alternatives) hoping to find a place that will some day dethrone reddit and in the process create something better. Today is the day I think I found what I was looking for, however, I have an obvious --- but --- serious question:

Why the f**k is this place so unknown? Why did it take me 3 years to discover "snapzu" when there are members here all the way back from 2012? Do people here just hope this place stays a secret forever? whats the deal?

Anyway I'm here because a buddy decided to save my last remaining shred of sanity and sent me an invite code to give this place a spin. Glad I took him up on his offer and now I'm here. Happy to meet you all whoever you may be.

9 years ago by sugartoad with 19 comments

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  • canuck

    The first rule of Snapzu, we do not talk about Snapzu. Welcome!

  • 8mm

    Heya! Welcome to the club!

  • eruditojones

    Shhh! If someone from Circlejerk finds out about this place we're screwed.

    • messi

      Oh god please dont let that happen.

  • bradd

    Welcome. Hope to see you around.

  • geoleo

    I'm part of the 2012 crowd and it really doesn't feel like that long ago. Keep it mind it was REALLY late 2012.

    • drunkenninja

      I too belong to the "2012" club (joined in December). This place has changed a lot since those days.

  • Downer

    I'm excited to be here too, this looks like it could be an awesome place!

  • angryPenguin

    New user/former redditor reporting in - recently found this place as well. Hoping for the best.

  • Gozzin

    Welcome dudette/dude or other. I think you will like it here.

  • Sigourney

    Be welcome! I am a recent user as well. Still learning about it (at my own slow pace...).

  • Nanotwerp

    Welcome to Snapzu, /u/sugartoad ! I went through almost exactly the same site-hopping you did. I went to Voat, Hubski, and 3tags. I found that none of them cut it; it seemed like most of the 'reddit alternatives' were just trying to rip-off reddit. Snapzu has its own feel to it. The platform is pretty flexible; it could be something like reddit or something like Facebook. It just depends on how you use it. I think that's great.

    • sugartoad (edited 9 years ago)

      Thanks for the welcome, and yeah you hit the nail on the head with your reddit/facebook comparison --- this is exactly why I find this place so promising, they approach the concept of content differently and give us the means to be more than a cog in the system.

  • ttubravesrock

    I joined last fall and have enjoyed playing around with levels of involvement and contribution styles. I claimed the alaska tribe since I appear to be the only active member from Alaska. However, I don't post much in the form of content. I seem to have found that I am more comfortable with being involved in the discussions. If you like to comment, please join in on the discussion!