  • ClarkKent (edited 8 years ago)

    I think it starts with us maintaining the niceness, being as welcoming as we can. There is a quote that I try to live by and it goes a little something like this.

    Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them how. ~Author Unknown

    • ressmox

      I agree with this. To prevent culture from being overrun, we have to be the representatives of said culture. As new users come in, they will be more open to adapting to the existing culture , being new and all. If we consistently show the kind of community we want to have, we will (hopefully) continue to maintain those values.

    • oystein

      I think part of the problem is that some people enjoy wiring others up. This is a small minority, so there still hasn't come much of those here already. In time as the user base grows there will be more of these and even a very small minority can cause disruption to many users. I was part of a small closed social network here in Norway and just one user with an agenda was enough to upset the mood of the whole place. It didn't help that the admins were lenient towards him. Things improved when he was kicked out.

      • Gozzin

        just one user with an agenda was enough to upset the mood of the whole place. It didn't help that the admins were lenient towards him.

        The same thing happened on our teeny Linux forum. Finally everyone just ignored him and he left over a year ago.

        • oystein

          That works. If everyone ignores the person, he will leave. The trick is to make everyone ignore someone in a medium to large forum.

    • Swanee

      I like the cut of your jib suu.. Clark!